Today (Dec 14, 2023)  is the first day of the Celebrate Lit Blog tour for Living Secrets. You can read the first blog post here.

My Review

This novel begins after the events of the prequel. While it can be read and enjoyed on its own, I would suggest reading the prequel first to fully enjoy this story. You can read my review of it, Buried Secretshere. While some of the needed backstory is revealed about a quarter of the way into the novel, we do not get the rest until well over half way through.

There is lots of action in this political thriller and it is well paced. The characters are engaging and Lily makes a capable heroine. The plot centers on an international threat and is something that could be out of today's headlines. The plot is a bit complex but it does come together in the end.

This series has good potential and I'll be looking for the next one.


My rating: 4/5 stars.